samedi 6 février 2010

February 7, 2010 : Superbowl Sunday


Go Saints!

Ok, I lied. This blog is not about the Superbowl. I am too far away, too disconnected to write ably about today's game, so I won't even try. But though far away and completely distracted (I will be returning to a writing conference today), I am with you in spirit.

I used to do the Superbowl... used to even do one half at one party then rush to another party for the second half! (Thinking of Sue D's wonderful Superbowl parties... JC's... and more!) :-) It was always a fun day...and I was always one who knew how to have fun!

So why am I having such trouble letting go and having fun with this writing business? Why do I have to put the pressure on? Why, when surrounded by professionals in the field, do I feel like I have to "measure up"? THEY don't put the pressure on me...they realize that most of us here are looking to learn, most are not well- or even a bit-established.

So it's ME putting the pressure on, racing and circling voraciously around me, ready to eat me for dinner if I don't get published immediately!

HA! Screw you! It's Superbowl Sunday, and I just remembered that I know how to have FUN! I am exceedingly well-trained in FUN, actually, having spent the better part of my life in search of it. So, using that part of me that knows how to have fun, I can enjoy today, I can enjoy the writing, and put NO pressure on myself to "do something practical" with it! Big Bronx cheer! ;-D

So thanks to Superbowl Sunday for reminding me to lighten up. And since I've got no money on the game, that'll be easy! Go Saints! ;-)

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